ETA - Educational Theatre Organization
ETA stands for Educational Theatre Organization
Here you will find, what does ETA stand for in Non-Governmental Organization under Organization category.
Popular queries with answer
How to abbreviate Educational Theatre Organization? Educational Theatre Organization can be abbreviated as ETA What does ETA stand for? ETA stands for Educational Theatre Organization. What does Educational Theatre Organization mean?Educational Theatre Organization is an expansion of ETA
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Alternative definitions of ETA
- Estimated Time of Arrival
- Estimated Time of Arrival
- Estimated Time of Arrival
- Estimated Time of Arrival
- Employment and Training Administration
- Euskadi Ta Askatasuna
- Edited To Add
- Expected Time of Arrival
View 124 other definitions of ETA on the main acronym page
Nearby abbreviations with meaning
- EVC Educational Video Center
- EW EducationWorks
- ECY&F Educators for Children Youth & Families
- ESR Educators for Social Responsibility
- ESR/RCCP Educators for Social Responsibility/Resolving Conflict Creatively Program
- EASC Educo Adventure School, Canada
- EDU EDUpages
- EV EdVestors
- EJBSPPP Edward J. Bloustein School of Planning and Public Policy
- EGA Edwin Gould Academy
- EGSCF Edwin Gould Services for Children and Families
- EERGH EE's Residential Group Homes
- EFFFS EF Foundation for Foreign Study
- EGCCI EG2 Center and Civilogy Instituto
- ERA Egyptians Relief Association
- EHCLB EHC LifeBuilders
- EDNF Ehlers-Danlos National Foundation
- EHS Eihab Human Services
- EI Eimago Inc.
- EEF Eisenhower Exchange Fellowships